Round two for the Granite State Pro Stock Series will be moved from the Lee USA Speedway to Claremont Motorsports Park. The event will still be held on July third and will have a post time of 7:30.

After lengthy conversations between Lee Speedway management and series promoter Mike Parks, it was decided that due to complications caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, that it would be best to move this event.
This event will consist of a 100 lap feature and qualifying will be through The Crazy Horse Racing Fast Time Challenge and heat races.
Claremont’s own Luke Hinkley was fastest in time trials at the opener and Ray Christian III will be looking to win his third straight event with the series and at the Thrasher Road speed plant.
“The opener was a phenomenal race and everybody enjoyed themselves”, stated Parks. “It will be nice to do this over again with fans in the grandstands”.
The Pro Stocks will join the weekly Late Model Sportsmen, Street Stocks, Mini Stocks, Six Shooters and Pure Stocks. The Redneck Enduro scheduled for July 3rd will tentatively be moved to the following week.
For more information go to or you can also check both out on their various social media platforms.